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∎ Descargar Gratis The Bleeding Sky My Mother Journey Through the Fire eBook Louis Brandsdorfer

The Bleeding Sky My Mother Journey Through the Fire eBook Louis Brandsdorfer

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Download PDF  The Bleeding Sky My Mother Journey Through the Fire eBook Louis Brandsdorfer

These are my mother's recollections of the Shoah (Holocaust). Growing up Jewish in a small Polish town near the German border, my mother and one sister were all that survived from among her parents, 4 sisters, 2 brothers, husband and young daughter. Persecuted and hunted by the Germans. Hiding with friendly Poles. Imprisoned in the Warsaw ghetto, labor camps and Auschwitz. This is the story of how many of them died and how my mother struggled to survive.

The Bleeding Sky My Mother Journey Through the Fire eBook Louis Brandsdorfer

Mala grew up in a small Polish town near the German border. When the German's invaded, her husband was sent to a work camp and Mala and her daughter went into hiding with sympathetic Poles. Scared, the Poles were only able to hide her for a short period of time before sending her away. Ultimately, she grew tired of hiding and ended up in the Jewish ghetto. Despite her efforts, her daughter was separated from her, and sent to die in the gas chambers. When the ghetto was liquidated she ended up in a multitude of work camps, where she used her wits to trade for much needed food and necessities.

This is a story of courage and determination. Although most of her family perished during the war, Mala is above all a survivor. Well written, the reader's hearts aches for Mala as she suffers and struggles. Overall I found this book to be a page-turner, and would recommend it to anyone interested in the holocaust.

Product details

  • File Size 756 KB
  • Print Length 202 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date December 31, 2009
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  The Bleeding Sky My Mother Journey Through the Fire eBook Louis Brandsdorfer

Tags : The Bleeding Sky: My Mother's Journey Through the Fire - Kindle edition by Louis Brandsdorfer. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Bleeding Sky: My Mother's Journey Through the Fire.,ebook,Louis Brandsdorfer,The Bleeding Sky: My Mother's Journey Through the Fire,History Holocaust,History Jewish
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The Bleeding Sky My Mother Journey Through the Fire eBook Louis Brandsdorfer Reviews

Author's mom with amazing resilience, smarts and survival skills....and memory.....have also read countless books on the Shoa, as well as other Jewish history....would recommend
Heart wrenching
New information
More horrors revealed
We are so cruel to one another
May we never forget so many
This book is a must read! I've read numerous books on the holocaust and continue to be amazed at the personal experiences,not only of Mala and her family, but of others with whom she shared almost four indescribably horrific years, and yet, survived to tell the world of the Nazi monsters who tortued human beings in such insanely actions. The plight of these poor people, what they had to do to survive, how they survived, how they at times fought with each other just for a crust of bread, sometimes to the point of cannibalism - is almost unbelieveable; but, it did happen. It is incomprehensible to believe that the Nazis treated other human beings with such brutality. Most assuredly information on the holocaust must continue to be written, and continue to be presented to the world to serve not only for historical preservation, but to insure it NEVER happens again - ever. It should be mandatory to at least introduce today's students to this historical era. I highly recommend this book without reservation. E. A. Slanga
Interesting to have a survivor's story told through interviews by her child. Remains a testament to the strength of a survivor despite all the hardships.
A good story, very sad how many family members didn't survive. It's not easy following this story, it really jumps around and is disorganized at times. Also, could use a bit of editing.
This straight forward account of a Polish Jew's survival of the Shoah made me feel as all the memoirs of Holocaust survivors do it was just a matter of luck who would survive and who wouldn't. In Mala's case, however, she, to a great extent, made her own luck.
The incident in which she takes out her prayer book and prays only to be ridiculed by those around her for still believing that prayers are answered says it all. Mala never stopped believing and realized what few do prayers are a means of worshipping and loving God unconditionally not merely to seek having our worldly desires, no matter how just and desperate, fulfilled through divine intervention. How many could pass that test? I'm not sure could but this was the character of Mala and yet she was so worldly and wily in the daily challenges of getting what she needed to survive. A remarkable woman and a remarkable story.
Felt like I was actually there . Step by step encounters, taking me through the years of this women's survival. How people had to plan for anything that could happen and be alert, adaptable, cunning, emotionally strong,aim for survival every minute of every day. This story was never boring. Many details of life in the camps were explained that I had not heard before. Recommend this book to anyone interested in the Jewish life during the war.
Mala grew up in a small Polish town near the German border. When the German's invaded, her husband was sent to a work camp and Mala and her daughter went into hiding with sympathetic Poles. Scared, the Poles were only able to hide her for a short period of time before sending her away. Ultimately, she grew tired of hiding and ended up in the Jewish ghetto. Despite her efforts, her daughter was separated from her, and sent to die in the gas chambers. When the ghetto was liquidated she ended up in a multitude of work camps, where she used her wits to trade for much needed food and necessities.

This is a story of courage and determination. Although most of her family perished during the war, Mala is above all a survivor. Well written, the reader's hearts aches for Mala as she suffers and struggles. Overall I found this book to be a page-turner, and would recommend it to anyone interested in the holocaust.
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